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«In Vino Veritas»… In wine lies the truth (Pliny the Elder)

The tasting process of wine samples, both by the professional and popular jury, is continually supervised by our staff to ensure that the tasting takes place in an environment free of prejudices that may affect the final qualification. We take care at all times to maintain the anonymity and integrity of the samples, propitiating a climate of silence and a suitable temperature for the tasting of each variety of wine.
2020 Edition 


The tasting teams will be composed of groups of 5 and 7 members. Each member of the jury will qualify each sample of wine individually and in silence. When all judges have concluded their assessment and filled out the sheet of qualification, the president of each table will check and sign the sheets of each member of the table. If If the president considers that for some reason the sample is not in acceptable conditions for tasting, he may request the opening of a second sample of the wine in question. All wine bottles will be presented to the jury in a completely anonymous manner and will be tested in groups of the same category. Why do we require 6 sample bottles of each wine submitted to the competition? Two of them will be tasted by the two juries, two will remain in reserve in case the samples to taste are not suitable (defective cork …) and the remaining two bottles will remain in the organization of the competition, to cover possible incidents and subsequent analysis. Each wine will be tasted and qualified by two independent tasting teams whose final evaluation will also be independent of each other, we refer to the Professional Jury and the Popular Jury. Both juries will not interact with each other and each will award a qualification to the wine, in the first case this valuation may lead to the obtaining of the medals, and in the second case of the special mentions. In case  a wine manages to conquer both juries at the same time, it will obtain the maximum award granted by the organization, the double gold medal.

© 2019  Wine Market Management All rights reserved.
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«In Vino Veritas»…

In wine lies the truth

(Pliny the Elder)

2020 Edition 


The tasting process of wine samples, both by the professional and popular jury, is continually supervised by our staff to ensure that the tasting takes place  in an environment free of prejudices that may affect the final qualification. We take care at all times to maintain the anonymity and integrity of the samples, propitiating a climate of silence and a suitable temperature for the tasting of each variety of wine.
The tasting teams will be composed of groups of 5 and 7 members. Each member of the jury will qualify each sample of wine individually and in silence. When all judges have concluded their assessment and filled out the sheet of qualification, the president of each table will check and sign the sheets of each member of the table. If If the president considers that for some reason the sample is not in acceptable conditions for tasting, he may request the opening of a second sample of the wine in question. All wine bottles will be presented to the jury in a completely anonymous manner  and will be tested in groups of the same category. Why do we require 6 sample bottles of each wine submitted to the competition? Two of them will be tasted by the two juries, two will remain in reserve in case the samples to taste are not suitable (defective cork …) and the remaining two bottles will remain in the organization of the competition, to cover possible incidents and subsequent analysis. Each wine will be tasted and qualified by two independent tasting teams whose final evaluation will also be independent of each other, we refer to the Professional Jury and the Popular Jury. Both juries will not interact with each other and each will award a qualification to the wine, in the first case this valuation may lead to the obtaining of the medals, and in the second case of the special mentions. In case  a wine manages to conquer both juries at the same time, it will obtain the maximum award granted by the organization, the double gold medal.